Ganana: 1 Walkthrough

reference Ganana: 1
target ip

Scan with nmap:

Enumerate HTTP with gobuster:

Load jarret.pcapng to wireshark.
File -> Export Objects -> HTTP..:

Follow -> HTTP Streams:

Login into WordPress, though jarretlee is not the admin.

Enumerate hidden posts:

Base64 encoded:

Login into PHPMyAdmin

Enumerate table wp_users:

Crack the existed hash or update a new hash:

Login into WordPress as user charleywalker, who is the admin.

The method is already covered in sunset: midnight Walkthrough.

Upload a malicious plugin:

You can also update the existed plugins.

Reverse shell:

Escalate from user daemon to user jarretlee:


Crack with john:

Escalate from user jarretlee to user jeevan:

The method is already covered in Pwned: 1 Walkthrough.

Escalate from user jeevan to user root:


  • FTP 6777 .Welcome/.Note.txt: