sunset: midnight Walkthrough

reference sunset: midnight
target ip

Scan with nmap:

Brute force MySQL login with hydra:

hydra -l root -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt mysql -e nsr -I -V -t 4

Login into MySQL:

Enumerate wp_users:

Crack failed with john.
Update admin user, with the password pass generated from this site:

Login into WordPress with username admin, password pass.

Failed to inject PHP codes to Simple Poll plugin.
The admin user has write permissions to Akismet Anti-Spam plugin.
But the related pages of the plugin like this is forbidden.

Try to generate a malicious WordPress plugin manually.

This method is derived from wetw0rk/malicious-wordpress-plugin.
You may want to use this to generate automatically.

The plugin contains two files:

  • info.php
  • rs.php

rs.php is just a common PHP reverse shell.

Generate a zipped file.

Load the malicious plugin to WordPress(Plugins->Add New->Upload Plugin):

Request rs.php to get a reverse shell.

Jose’s credential can be found from /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-config.php:

This is also the SSH credential.


Enumerate suid files:

Failed with /usr/bin/status:

Add a service script:

Update the PATH environment variable:

Another reverse shell as user root:
